Syntax dependent Display options

Syntax specific Display properties in HippoEDITThere is rather a rich set of the display features, you can define for specific syntax.

The similar set of the settings can be also maintained for a specific document with the help of menu View → Editor (file specific). Such document specific settings have priorities over syntax specific settings.

Getting to this page rather tricky and is not obvious :-). You need to click on the main node of the syntax, that you want to change.

You can define default set for text editor panes for specific syntax. Following panes can be customized:

  • Ruler - show Ruler on top of document for columns orientation.
  • Indicator margin - show area on left side of view for indicators/markers like bookmarks, breakpoints and found pointer etc.
  • Line Numbers - show line numbers. If Indicator Margin is Off, used also for displaying markers like bookmarks.
  • Changed lines - show colored indicators on the side of modified lines.
  • Outlining margin - show outlining area in which you can see scope boundaries and collapse or collapse scopes.
  • Current line Highlight - highlight the line where the text cursor is in currently.
  • Indentation guides - show vertical lines in text on tab positions to help finding correct indent level
  • White space - make non-printable chars like blanks, tabs and line endings visible.
  • Trailing White Space - Show trailing white space (spaces and tabs at the end of line after text) in Trailing White Space color.
  • Scope separators - show horizontal divider after specific scope area in text.
  • Nesting Levels - colorize background depending on code scope nesting level (deeper is darker).
  • Virtual Space - allow to set text cursor free in document even behind last char in line, needed blanks are insert by HippoEDIT.
  • Inactive code - dim background for code outside of current scope (only works for embedded syntaxes, as CSS in HTML for example).
  • Alternating Mode - highlight every second line for better overview over long lists.

You can also define syntax specific line spacing mode/value, as it done on example for Plain Text syntax. Following line spacing mode can be maintained:

  • Single - standard line spacing size, defined by font name/size
  • 1.5 lines - line spacing value 1.5 time larger than standard (single) size
  • Double - line spacing value 2 times larger than standard (single) size
  • At least - in this mode, you can define minimum line spacing value (in display points - pt), not dependent from font size/name
  • Exactly - in this mode, you can define exact line spacing value (in display points - pt), not dependent from font size/name
  • Multiple - here you can define manually by which factor line spacing value will be larger than standard (single) size
Display settings for syntax, in compare to font setting are not inheritable from parent syntaxes. If you want to change settings for all syntaxes, use corresponding All Syntax node