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Where my HippoEDIT configuration stored?

HippoEDIT stores configuration in different files which can be found in User Directory.

All paths are default and relative to HippoEDIT user directory.

Usually if you are asked to send configuration files, you need to send:

Sometimes, if problem occurs in context of some specific syntax, it is better to to send also data\syntax\%you_syntax%_spec.xml + %you_syntax%_user.xml.

Syntax settings

As already written configuration/properties for specific syntax contained in 2 dedicated files


Contains basic syntax settings as:

Do not modify spec files of standard syntaxes - these files may be overwritten during updates and you will lose your changes (old files are saved in <file_name.extension>.old files aside). If you want to modify standard syntax schema, better copy it (changing ID) or create new one, inheriting existing


Contains user specific preference for syntax and in most cases delivered empty (or not delivered at all). These files are never overwritten by updates and left as they are after initial installation. user file contain:

License file

It is not possible to copy license.dat from one PC to another one. You need to re-register (enter your license key) on the second machine too.
The only way to avoid this, if you initially install HE on a flash (remote) drive. In this case, license.dat would be bound to it.

More files