Constant enumeration
Types of the Undo Actions.
Member | Value | Description |
eActionAddBrace | 19 | Closed brace added |
eActionAutoComplete | 11 | Text auto completed |
eActionAutoCorrect | 20 | Misspelled word corrected from auto-correction dictionary |
eActionAutoExpand | 12 | Template expanded |
eActionAutoIndent | 10 | Auto Indent of text executed |
eActionBackspace | 5 | Text deleted with BackSpace |
eActionBookmarkedLinesCut | 52 | Bookmarked lines cut |
eActionBookmarkedLinesDelete | 51 | Bookmarked lines deleted |
eActionCapitalize | 16 | Text capitalized |
eActionComment | 27 | Selected text is commented |
eActionConvertSymbol | 53 | Symbol converted |
eActionCopySelection | 47 | Selection Copied |
eActionCorrectCaps | 21 | CapsLock is corrected |
eActionCorrectCase | 18 | Case of keyword corrected |
eActionCRLFMode | 44 | Line Breaks changed |
eActionCut | 3 | Selection Cut |
eActionDelete | 9 | Text deleted |
eActionDeleteDuplicates | 49 | Duplicates deleted |
eActionDeleteSelection | 2 | Selection deleted |
eActionDragDrop | 7 | Drag and Drop executed |
eActionEncoding | 45 | Encoding Changed |
eActionFormat | 30 | Selected text formatted |
eActionIndent | 6 | Text Indented |
eActionInsertFile | 54 | File Inserted |
eActionJoinLines | 24 | Selected lines are joined in one |
eActionLast | 57 | Last Marker (do not use) |
eActionLineAbove | 35 | Line above inserted |
eActionLineBelow | 36 | Line below inserted |
eActionLineCut | 40 | Line cut |
eActionLineDelete | 41 | Line deleted |
eActionLineDeleteTillEnd | 42 | Text deleted till line end |
eActionLineDuplicate | 32 | Selected line was duplicated |
eActionLineMoveDown | 43 | Line moved down |
eActionLineMoveUp | 33 | Selected line was moved |
eActionLineTranspose | 31 | Selected line was transposed |
eActionLowerCase | 13 | Text converted to lower case |
eActionMoveSelection | 48 | Selection Moved |
eActionPaste | 1 | Text Pasted |
eActionPasteAsHTML | 37 | Text pasted as HTML |
eActionRemoveBrace | 50 | Brace removed |
eActionReplace | 8 | Text Replaced |
eActionReplaceAll | 39 | Replace All |
eActionSentencize | 17 | Text adopted to sentence like |
eActionSmartComment | 34 | Smart Comment was applied |
eActionSmartTab | 26 | Tab character replaced by correct indent |
eActionSortLines | 29 | Selected lines are sorted |
eActionSpaceToTabs | 22 | Typed Spaces converted to Tabs |
eActionSwapCase | 15 | Text case swapped |
eActionSyntax | 46 | Syntax Changed |
eActionTabsToSpace | 23 | Typed Tabs converted to Spaces |
eActionToolCommand | 56 | Tool Command executed |
eActionTrimWhiteSpace | 55 | White space trimmed |
eActionTyping | 4 | Text Typed |
eActionUnComment | 28 | Selected text is uncommented |
eActionUnknown | 0 | Unknown Action |
eActionUpperCase | 14 | Text converted to upper case |
eActionVirtualSpace | 38 | Virtual Spaces Ensured |
eActionWrap | 25 | Text is wrapped by Hard Wrap |