Project Contents
HippoEDIT project allows you to store inside following items:
- Files (actually this is a link to file)- can be any file existing on file system. Double clicking on file link will result in opening of the file in text editor. If you want a file to be opened in external viewer, but not in build in text editor, you can use a trick: add a file as a tool, giving a path to file in command field. This will result in opening of the file with default program, associated with file type.
- Folders - grouping items for other items. You can open all files from some project folder with help of context menu. Folder state (open/closed) saved between sessions.
- URLs - link to web resource. Double click opens web browser with selected links. See URL configuration for details.
- Virtual Folders - dynamic snapshot file system folder, which shows files and folders selected by specified filter criterias.
- Projects - you can embed other projects, into master projects, creating something like solutions. Changes in embedded projects are reflected in standalone (original) projects