
Syntax Context Help

HippoEDIT allows you to create syntax related context help items. The feature helps you to bind context sensitive help to any syntax, by providing way to call URL or local help files with current word (or selected word) as parameter.

You can have more than one context help items assigned, items are inheritable (sub syntaxes get context help items from parent), you can organize them in hierarchies, with folders, separators etc. Check Manage Help dialog for this.

If you want the context help item to be available for all syntaxes, assign it to Default (or to Default Source to be available for all source files) syntax.

There are several ways to call context help for syntax:

  • directly, from main menu Help→Syntax Help
  • or by shortcut assigned to context help item
You can have as syntax bound context help items, as project bound. To add one to project use Add URL command

Context Item ConfigurationFor every Context Help Item there are two obligatory parameter:

  • Title - text which is shown than in menus for this item
  • URL - actually the path to resource that shall be called, when Context Item is executed. The resource can be as general web address, if you want to load on-line help or point to *.hlp or *.chm file. In this case HippoEDIT will do some extra preprocessing to pass arguments to help viewers correctly.
  • Arguments dedicated place for dynamic part of the URL or command line parameters if help file should be called. Here you can use same built-in variables as for tools or code templates. Use menu on right side of the field to get help on items. Entering of % in this field will trigger auto completion for variable names.
  • Shortcut - you can assign shortcut, to call the context item. Shortcut is also syntax dependent and will be only active, if current document has this or child syntax.

Open in External Browser - if set, associated resource (URL or Help File) will be open in external viewer (mean default web browser or appropriate help viewer).