- Auto-Brackets - auto close opening brackets like ([{“ (defined in syntax specification tag OpenClose) with corresponding close bracket (pair symbol) as )]}”.
- Auto-Indent - indent next line on “Enter”, based on previous code structure (scope, format words, sentence start etc) or just use previous line indent. If enabled, also switches on the auto decrease of indent when typing close scope tag.
- Smart Tab - enables extended logic on pressing tab. As: checking for preferred indent, when pressed on the beginning of a line, skipping of existing space characters instead of inserting new tab, indenting based on spaces in previous lines, when typed in the middle or end of the line.
- Smart Backspace - tries to a un-indent line to previous indent level, determined based on code structure.
- Smart End-of-Line - End-key jumps to last char and then to real EOL and back.
- Smart Home - Home-key jumps to first char and then to pos1 and back.
- Easy line copy - copies or cut current line content, if no selection was done.
- Surround selection with (,{, [ - helps on inserting surrounding braces for selections. Inserts open/close pair symbols (as []{} etc) around current selection when open brace typed ( (, {, “”, ' ). Set of braces defined in syntax tag OpenClose).
- Smart Comment - if the current line starts with a comment sign and is completed by Enter-key, the next line would be started with this comment sign too.
- Double rate for key repeat - duplicates navigation actions, if a key is hold for a while. Used with navigation actions as (move left/right/up/down).
- Format after every paste - use syntax depending rule to auto-format the pasted text. Editor will try to adjust inserted text based on current position, adapting text indent and maybe case
- Make operant - auto format case of typed keywords (defined in syntax schema) as chosen (Uppercase, Lowercase, Capitalize and Like in syntax Definition)