Edit control, with functionality to edit single/multiline text.
Property | Default Value | Description |
id | empty | id (name) of the script data object associated with control |
text | empty | initial text of the control. Will be taken if no variable is bound (variable in dialog storage with name corresponding to id property) |
align | stretched | Alignment of the control |
style | none | Styles of the edit control (can be combined) |
required | false | required property of the control (if control is initial, “positive” buttons will be disabled) |
minwidth | 0 | Minimum width, in characters, of the edit box control |
minheight | 0 | Minimum heights, in characters, of the edit box control. Only relevant for multiline edit box |
cuebanner | empty | Prompt shown in control background if no text is entered |
autocomplete | empty | Autocomplete mode |
Style | Description |
none | Default mode |
password | Characters are hidden under asterisk symbols (used for password fields) |
lowercase | Characters are auto converted to lower case |
uppercase | Characters are auto converted to UPPER case |
number | Control allows only decimal digits (0-9) to be entered |
readonly | Control is grayed and displayed text is not editable |
multiline | Editor allows to show multiline text (height may be controlled with minheight property) |
wantreturn | Editor accepts Enter keystroke for inserting new line |
wordwrap | Editor does a word wrap of lines, if it does not fit into control width and horizontal scrolling is disabled |
vscroll | Control shows vertical scroll bar (in multiline mode only) |
hscroll | Control shows horizontal scroll bar (in multiline mode only) |
- edit_ctrl.hejs
var dialog_template =
'@<dialog title="Edit Test dialog" resizing="both" id="test2"> \
<edit id="text2" text="Sample text"/> \
<edit id="text1" cuebanner="Enter here something"/> \
<edit id="text3" text="password" style="password"/> \
<edit id="text4" text="123abc" style="number"/> \
<edit id="text5" text="readonly" style="readonly"/> \
<edit id="text6" text="UppER" style="uppercase"/> \
<columnbreak/> \
<edit id="text7" cuebanner="Enter URL" autocomplete="url"/> \
<paragraph id="label1" text="Required field:" style="required"/> \
<edit id="text8" text="required" required="true"/> \
<edit id="user_val" cuebanner="Enter here something" style="multiline|wordwrap|wantreturn|vscroll" minheight="5"/> \
<group uniform="true" align="right"> \
<button title="&OK" returnval="ok" default="true"/> \
<button title="&Cancel" returnval="cancel"/> \
</group> \