
Check Box

Check box control with ability to set/read boolean flags. Check Box demo

Property Default Value Description
id empty id (name) of the script data object associated with control
title empty title of the control. Will be taken if no variable is bound (variable in dialog storage with name corresponding to id property)
align stretched Alignment of the control
checked false Checked state of the control
Event Description
onclick event handler (function name) to be called, if check box is clicked
var varStorage = new Storage(); 
var dialog_template = 
'@<dialog title="Test Dialog" resizing="both"> \
   <checkbox id="check" title="Never show me anything ever again" checked="true"/> \
   <checkbox id="check2" title="I will open message Box" onclick="OnClick"/> \
   <group minwidth="75" minheight="23" uniform="true" align="center"> \
   		<button title="&amp;OK" default="true" returnval="ok"/> \
   		<button title="&amp;Cancel" returnval="cancel"/> \
   </group> \
Output().writeln("Dialog 4 returns: " + dialog(dialog_template, varStorage));
function OnClick() {
	alert("Control Text: " + this.Text + "\r\nControl Name: " + this.Name);