Code Hints

Code Hints suggest the best guess from editor. Suggestion takes into account existing code templates, auto correction data, keywords from dictionary and statistical data collected by editor from exsisting text and when your type new text.

The best guess calculation is syntax and context dependent.

You can accept the suggestion by Tab or Enter and editor will complete the rest of the word/template for you.

You can disable Enter or Tab to be used for accepting by corresponding XML flag.

Suggestion of statistical word

If you type a code template key, HippoEDIT will show you the Code Template description and will enter the text if you accept the hint.

Code Hints. Editor suggest suitable template

The inverse tooltip indicates that editor has more than one suggestion.

Code Hints. The editor suggests keyword, the inverse color indicates that more than one suggestion available

You can enable/disable the feature in Options->Code Completion.

You can control what will be shown in code hints with XML flags.