Table of Contents

Find and Replace

HippoEDIT has a combined Find and Replace dialog, which can be used for search and replace operations. The switch between dialog styles is optimized for search or replace. Just use the Replace… button, if opened as the Find dialog.

Find What - in this field shall be entered text/pattern for searching. Mandatory field.

Replace With - here placed text to replace pattern from Find What.

Both fields implemented using history combo boxes that remember your last searches and can suggest your already known entries, taking into account case settings.


Scope in which search shall be done (search types). List of available scopes is dynamic and depends on current editor state and installed plugins.

To search in multiple directories, enter directory names separated by “;” in Directory field. C:\Test;C:\Test2 - means search in directory C:\Test and in “C:\Test2”.
But there is a restriction - you can not search directories with symbol “;” in the name.
To search in specific file, without opening it, you can enter its name in Directory field directly - 'C:\Test\file.txt' will search if file.txt file directly.

Depending on selected scope, search dialog can be extended with additional settings specific for selected search type (scope).


You can notice Regular Expression is turned on not only by flag itself but also by changed font of the Find What field.

Search Only In

This option sets match filters that allow you to limit search only for some specific code areas as search only in comments, search only in code, only in strings etc. By default the search scope set to Everywhere, that indicates → no filters.

Search Favorites

Managing of Search Favorites

In addition to history combo boxes for Find What and Replace With fields, you can save current search options as Favorite. The action is available under Favorites button right side to Find What field.

Result Output

Result Options

Status area on the bottom of the search dialog shows information message in-place (matches count, not found etc) in addition to displaying in the main window status bar.

The best search speed can be achieved by using Match Case search and all other flags disabled (except Wrap Search)
If you paste text with white space in input field in Search dialog you will be informed with a warning information message in status bar.