
Multi Selection List Box

List box control with ability to select several items. Multi-ListBox example

Property Default Value Description
id empty id (name) of the script data object associated with control
align stretched Alignment of the control
required false required property of the control (if control is initial, “positive” buttons will be disabled)
minwidth 12 Minimum width, in characters of the list box control
extended_sel false Extended Selection mode (previous selection is reset, if Ctrl is not pressed)

List Box is filled by Items. Initial selection state for items can be set statically in-line or dynamically using associated by id script variable (VB Array of integers, use ax2js function to convert from JS array). If you pass dynamic content and define static selection, static one is ignored.

Property Default Value Description
text empty Item text
selected false Item selected state
#include "he_utils.js"	// this is include file
var varStorage = new Storage();
// dynamically mark as selected first and third items 
// (function js2ax as ax2js defined in he_utils.js)
// value passed as part of variable storage 
varStorage.dynamic_list = js2ax(new Array(0,2));
// passing selection state using global script variable
// in this case using of Storage object is not needed
var global_dynamic_list = js2ax(new Array(1,3));
var dialog_template =
'@<dialog title="Test dialog" resizable="true" contexthelp="true" id="testdlg"> \
	<multi_listbox extended_sel="true" minwidth="24" id="global_dynamic_list"> \
		<item text="Item 1"/> \
		<item text="Item 2"/> \
		<item text="Item 3"/> \
		<item text="Item 4"/> \
		<item text="Item 5"/> \
		<item text="Item 6"/> \
		<item text="Item 7"/> \
	</multi_listbox> \
	<multi_listbox align="right" id="dynamic_list"> \
		<item text="Item 1"/> \
		<item text="Item 2"/> \
		<item text="Item 3"/> \
		<item text="Item 4"/> \
		<item text="Item 5"/> \
		<item text="Item 6"/> \
		<item text="Item 7"/> \
	</multi_listbox> \
	<multi_listbox extended_sel="true" align="left" id="static_list" required="true"> \
		<item text="Item 1" selected="true"/> \
		<item text="Item 2"/> \
		<item text="Item 3"/> \
		<item text="Item 4" selected="true"/> \
		<item text="Item 5"/> \
		<item text="Item 6"/> \
		<item text="Item 7" selected="true"/> \
	</multi_listbox> \
	<group uniform="true" align="right"> \
		<button title="&amp;OK" returnval="ok" default="true"/> \
		<button title="&amp;Cancel" returnval="cancel"/> \
	</group> \
// show dialog using dialog template and variables storage for passing initial data
var returnCode = dialog(dialog_template, varStorage);
// after closing of the dialog variable storage (varStorage) contains all states 
// of the controls (which has variable id connected) 
Output().writeln("Dialog returns: " + returnCode);
// evaluate here returnCode (returnval of selected button) and decide if varStorage shall be evaluated
if ( returnCode == "ok" ) { 
	// convert VB array to JS array and output it
	Output().writeln("Global dynamic list selection: " + ax2js(global_dynamic_list));
	Output().writeln("Dynamic list selection: " + ax2js(varStorage.dynamic_list));
	Output().writeln("Static list selection: " + ax2js(varStorage.static_list));

Creating content dynamically is not straightforward, but possible by generating of the static template in script.

#include "he_utils.js"	// this is include file
var varStorage = new Storage();
var dialog_template =
'<dialog title="Test dialog" resizable="true" id="testdlg">\r\n \
 <multi_listbox extended_sel="true" minwidth="24" maxheight=8 id="dynamic_content_list">';
for(var nItem = 0; nItem < 100; ++nItem)
  dialog_template += '\r\n' + '    <item text="Item ' + nItem + '"/>';
dialog_template += '\r\n' + '  </multi_listbox> \
\r\n  <group uniform="true" align="right"> \
\r\n    <button title="&amp;OK" returnval="ok" default="true"/> \
\r\n   <button title="&amp;Cancel" returnval="cancel"/> \
\r\n  </group> \
// show dialog using dialog template and variables storage for passing initial data
Output().writeln("Dialog returns: " + dialog(dialog_template, varStorage));
// evaluate here returnCode (returnval of selected button) and decide if varStorage shall be evaluated
Output().writeln("Dialog template:");
// convert VB array to JS array and output it
Output().writeln("List selection: " + ax2js(varStorage.dynamic_content_list));