
Combo Box

ComboBox example One line control for selecting values from fixed or free value list. Style of the list can be controlled by filling selected_value (free list) or selected_index (fixed list) attributes. If mode is not specified explicitly by one of mentioned attributes, free list mode is assumed.

Property Default Value Description
id empty id (name) of the script data object associated with control
align stretched Alignment of the control
required false required property of the control (if control is initial, “positive” buttons are disabled)
minwidth 0 Minimum width, in characters of the list box control
selected_value empty Initial value of the control. May be not in list of provided items.
selected_index empty Index of selected item. Indicates fixed list.
cuebanner empty Prompt shown in control background if no text is entered
autocomplete empty Autocomplete mode

Combo Box is filled by Items, defining value set for selection.

Property Default Value Description
text empty Item text
For dynamic item list one can use dynamic creation of the dialog XML. See example for multi selection listbox.
var varStorage = new Storage(); 
var dialog_template = 
'@<dialog title="Test Dialog" resizing="both"> \
   	<group> \
	   	<paragraph text="Select by Index:" minwidth="15"/> \
		<combobox id="byIndex" selected_index="2" minwidth="25"> \
			<item text="Very Small"/> \
			<item text="Small"/> \
			<item text="Normal"/> \
			<item text="Large"/> \
			<item text="Very Large"/> \
	   	</combobox> \
	</group> \
   	<group> \
	   	<paragraph text="Select by Value:" minwidth="15"/> \
		<combobox id="byValue" selected_value="None" minwidth="25"> \
			<item text="Very Small"/> \
			<item text="Small"/> \
			<item text="Normal"/> \
			<item text="Large"/> \
			<item text="Very Large"/> \
	   	</combobox> \
	</group> \
	<group> \
	   	<paragraph text="Autocomplete:" style="required" minwidth="15"/> \
		<combobox id="required" minwidth="25" required="true" cuebanner="Enter URL" autocomplete="url"> \
			<item text=""/> \
			<item text=""/> \
			<item text=""/> \
	   	</combobox> \
	</group> \
   	<group minwidth="75" minheight="23" uniform="true" align="center"> \
   		<button title="&amp;OK" default="true" returnval="ok"/> \
   		<button title="&amp;Cancel" returnval="cancel"/> \
   	</group> \
Output().writeln("Dialog 4 returns: " + dialog(dialog_template, varStorage));
Output().writeln("By Index selection: " + varStorage.byIndex);
Output().writeln("By Value selection: " + varStorage.byValue);
Output().writeln("Autocomplete selection: " + varStorage.required);