
Update Manager

ID Help.BundleManager
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Update Manager helps to keep HippoEDIT instance up to date, giving quick access to available updates and add-ons, as plugins, syntax schemas, spell checker dictionaries, color schemes etc. It can be used for installation of a new component, updating of existing components or for removing not needed ones.

The list of add-ons can be filtered or narrowed using following selectors:

  • Find - allows to filter out all addons not matching/containing entered substring
  • Category - narrows list to a specific category of add-ons as Syntax, Plug-in, Application, File Template, Colour Schema, Keyboard Mapping, Dictionary. Any - show all, is the default.
  • State - narrows list by state of add-on, as New, Updated, Installed, Not-Installed. Any - show all, is the default.
Double click on Addon does automatic Installation or Re-Installation, depending on addon state
If you do not see online data in Update Manager and you sure that you are connected to the Internet, you may try alternative repository address.

Details section contains details about selected addon.

  • Remove - removes selected addon(s) or application.
  • Install - installs selected addon(s)
  • Reinstall - re-installs selected addon(s), means Remove + Install.
  • Settings - brings to On-line repository settings.
You need to have Administrator permissions to manipulate addons
