
Scriptable object, inherited from IRange


Selection object (extension of IRange)


Property Description
Block Block/Column mode
bottom Bottom
End Range end position
Height Returns difference between Bottom and Top
IsEmpty Check if range is empty (Height and Width equals 0)
IsNormalized Check if range is normalized (TopLeft point less or equal to BottomRight)
left Left
right Right
Start Range start position
top Top
Width Return difference between Right and Left


Method Description
equals Compare, if objects are equal
Inflate Inflate range
IsInside Checks if position is inside of range (greater or equal start and less than end position)
IsIntersects Checks if position intersects range (greater or equal start and less or equal than end position)
IsRangeInside Checks if other range is inside of range (greater or equal start and less than end position)
IsRangeIntersects Checks if other range intersects range (greater or equal start and less or equal than end position)
Normalize Normalizes the range

See Also
