====== IWshArguments ====== Scriptable object ===== Description ===== Rich collection of WshArgument objects ===== Properties ===== ^Property^ Description^ |[[scripting:api:wsh-arguments:count|Count]]| Returns the number of command-line parameters belonging to a script (the number of items in an argument's collection| |[[scripting:api:wsh-arguments:named|Named]]| Returns a collection of named arguments| |[[scripting:api:wsh-arguments:unnamed|Unnamed]]| Returns a collection of unnamed arguments| ===== Methods ===== ^Method^ Description^ |[[scripting:api:wsh-arguments:item|Item]]| Exposes a specified item from a collection| |[[scripting:api:wsh-arguments:show-usage|ShowUsage]]| Makes a script self-documenting by displaying information about how it should be used| ===== See Also ===== [[:scripting:api:wscript:arguments|IWScript::Arguments]] #API ~~NOTOC~~