====== ePaneLayout ====== Constant enumeration ===== Description ===== Pane layout style ===== Members ===== ^Member^ Value^ Description^ |**ePaneLayoutBottom**| 4| Pane docked to bottom of the screen| |**ePaneLayoutClient**| 0| Pane occupies client area| |**ePaneLayoutFloat**| 5| Pane should be floating| |**ePaneLayoutLeft**| 2| Pane docked to left of the screen| |**ePaneLayoutRight**| 3| Pane docked to right of the screen| |**ePaneLayoutTop**| 1| Pane docked to top of the screen| ===== See Also ===== [[:scripting:api:pane:layout|IListPane::Layout]], [[:scripting:api:pane:layout|IOutputPane::Layout]], [[:scripting:api:pane:layout|IPane::Layout]], [[:scripting:api:pane:layout|IScriptListPane::Layout]], [[:scripting:api:pane:layout|IScriptOutputPane::Layout]], [[:scripting:api:pane:layout|ISearchResultsPane::Layout]] #API ~~NOTOC~~