====== Shuffle Lines ====== {{ :plugins:shuffle_lines.png?direct&150|Shuffle Lines menu}}Simple plugin that adds command for shuffling (randomizing) of selected lines. * Adds command "Edit.Shuffle", you can assign a shortcut * Adds main menu entry in Format sub-menu (under Sort Descending) command ===== Install ===== You can install plugin directly from HippoEDIT Plugins options page (//Tools->Options->Plugins//), if you have [[online-repository:start|Online Repository]] activated or by download plugin [[installation:bundle|bundle]] directly from this page and open it with HippoEDIT. * [[http://hippoedit.com/get_file.php?id=u32-file|Download and Install HippoEDIT (if not installed already)]] * [[http://www.hippoedit.com/api/get_bundle.php?type=plugin&id=7CA8A260-6227-4D2C-B4B0-0DE26E512365|Download and Install Shuffle Lines for HippoEDIT]] ===== More ===== * For details about integration, you can ask on [[http://forum.hippoedit.com/add-ons-tools-plugins/shuffle-lines/|forum]]. * Source code for reference or extension can be found on [[https://github.com/hippoedit/shuffle-lines|GitHub]]. #plugin