====== FAQ ====== Definitely, there are a lot of questions and configuration issues around the HippoEDIT :) \\ Here we have tried to gather most common question we get with corresponding answers. Check that before writing to support - it may save yours and ours time ;) Also, do not forget to check on our [[http://forum.hippoedit.com|Forum]] - a lot of questions were already answered there. ===== General ===== * [[faq:keyboard-settings-lost|Keyboard settings are lost]] * [[files:encoding|How encoding detection works in HippoEDIT]] * [[options:font|How to change the font of the editor]] * [[options:files|]] * [[editing:formatting:after-paste|After paste of text in editor, formatting of text is destroyed]] * [[general:restart|How to restart HippoEDIT in easy way]] * [[syntax:styles:stack|How to find out styles applied to text]] * [[files:uac|]] * [[editing:auto_completion:hint_on_line_end|Auto complete instead of new line on line end???]] * [[faq:startup-crash|HippoEDIT crashes on startup after installing update]] * [[[options:font|How do I change the default font and size for viewing files?]] * [[faq:message_box]] * [[faq:smart-horizontal-cursor-position]] * [[faq:syntax-highlighting-style-priorities]] * [[faq:why-is-my-color-different]] * [[faq:eol-marker-display]] * [[faq:start-up-performance]] * [[faq:customize-toolbar]] * [[faq:select-html-tag|How to select a HTML tag?]] * [[faq:update-hippoedit]] * [[faq:browser-compatibility-mode]] * [[faq:antivirus-false-positive]] * [[faq:moving-hippoedit]] * [[faq:script-to-check-hippoedit-version]] * [[faq:access-from-russia]] ===== Scripting ===== * [[:scripting:encoding|Scripting text encoding]]